Family Tapestry

weave the individual threads of your family together until your unique family tapestry is revealed

develop deeper understanding and stronger connections within and between generations

start today

Schedule a conversation to learn how the Family Tapestry Discovery Experience™ can help your family.

Our initial conversation is focused on developing a contextual, comprehensive understanding of your unique family experience and your expectations for our services.

worried your family

could drift apart

identify and weave together the values, strengths and styles of each family member

wonder if differences

will divide your family

reinforce your family connections within and between generations

well-being feeling worn out

renew a sense of individual & family well-being

learn your family’s values, strengths & styles

give your family the gift of the Discovery Experience™

phase 1-guided individual

Discovery Experience™

we guide you and each of your family members through an individual Discovery Experience™

family members develop a better understanding of themselves as they review their strengths, values and styles

increased self awareness contributes to well-being, improved family dynamics, and increased effectiveness in other aspects of life such as the workplace and leadership roles


personal refection survey

preferred learning environment resource- LTM

Pro-D report that helps identify values, strengths & styles

personalized, private conversations with a Discovery Experience™ guide for every family member

phase 2-weave individual and shared insights into a Family Discovery Tree graphic that your family will reference for generations

we identify shared insights and themes from the individual Discovery Experience™

we weave these discoveries, along with each persons archetype and model role, into a graphic that becomes a picture of your family’s unique tapestry

your family references the graphic during your family conversations and at other events for generations

Includes :

identification of family themes

integration of themes into a family graphic that becomes your unique family tapestry

insights for your facilitated family conversation

phase 3-pepare your family and your facilitator for an intentional family conversation about shared insights and themes to help deepen understanding of each other

intentional, meaningful conversations provide a foundation for family cohesion and flourishing

your family is prepared to participate in a facilitated family conversation with topics tailored to your family’s unique situation

we help your family’s advisor prepare to facilitate your family’s conversation


collaboration with your advisors

crafting a conversation for your family

careful facilitation guidelines

what our clients say

get your Discovery Experience™ started today

Strengthen connections within and between generations

Weave the individual threads of your family together until your unique family tapestry is revealed